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Covid policy during the second wave: could citizen participation have strengthened public trust?

deBuren, Curieus en The Bulletin organiseren samen met journalist Selma Franssen een Engelstalige editie van 'Moeilijke Dingen Makkelijk Uitgelegd', met de focus op Brussel. Journalist Jasmijn Post stelt vast dat steeds meer mensen zich tijdens de tweede golf in deze coronacrisis vragen stellen bij het nut van bepaalde maatregelen.
Door deBuren op 30 sep 2020
Politiek & samenleving
Brussels Explained

Journalist Jasmijn Post states that more and more people are questioning goverment policy during the second wave of the corona crisis. In this edition of Brussels Explained, she will answer the question whether citizen participation could have strengthened public trust.


During the first wave of the corona crisis ´the joined fight of all people against coronavirus´ was the dominant motto. But during the second wave public trust in government policy has diminished. Could citizen participation by means of apps or workshops have strengthened public trust? Can governments change this trend by focussing on citizen participation in the future course of the pandemic?

Organisation: deBuren, Curieus, The Bulletin, Selma Franssen and Yelena Schmitz
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