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Brussels Explained | On the pedestrianization of the Grote Markt and Brussels sprouts

With Karen McHugh and Eddie Niesten

How did the Grote Markt become a pedestrian zone? Where do Brussels sprouts come from?

deBuren, Curieus and The Bulletin joined hands with journalist Selma Franssen to organize an English edition of ´Moeilijke Dingen Makkelijk Uitgelegd´ with a focus on Brussels. Brussels Explained is an eye-opening and interactive evening in English that aims to help us better understand the city in which we live. Five experts will deliver a 10-minute presentation on a different aspect of city life - followed by a short talk with journalist Selma Franssen and plenty of opportunity for questions and answers.


During this edition journalist Karen McHugh will describe how the Grote Markt became a pedestrian zone. Author Eddie Niesten will talk about the origin of Brussels Sprouts.


Do you have a question for Karen McHugh or Eddie Niesten? Pose your question in advance via or live on Facebook chat.


deBuren, Curieus en The Bulletin organiseren samen met journalist Selma Franssen een Engelse editie van 'Moeilijke Dingen Makkelijk Uitgelegd', met een focus op Brussel. Tijdens deze editie legt journalist Karen McHugh uit hoe de Grote Markt in Brussels een voetgangerszone is geworden en bioloog Olivier Beck vertelt over het geheime leven van stadsvossen in Brussel.

Free of charge, on Facebook Live via deBuren, Curieus, The Bulletin and Moeilijke Dingen Makkelijk Uitgelegd. For those people who don´t use social media: check our podcast Moeilijke Dingen Makkelijk Uitgelegd and listen to the explainers of Brussels Explained (via Spotify, Apple Podcast or Soundcloud).

Karen McHugh

Karen McHugh is a freelance writer and musician from Ireland, based in Brussels since 2008. Having started her journalism career at The Bulletin, she continues to be fascinated by the extraordinary stories of Brussels' expat community. She writes on culture, music and public transport and her work has been featured in Euronews, Politico, The Irish Times, Irish Independent and The Bulletin.

Eddie Niesten

Eddie Niesten studied languages, communication, foreign policy and marketing at the universities of Antwerp, Brussels and Hasselt. He has written several historical publications on Belgian agriculture, food and culinary developments like Groenten en fruit, vroeger en nu (Vegetables and fruit, an historical overview) and De oorlogskeuken. Vrouwen aan het thuisfront (The War Cuisine. Woman at the homefront). He gives trainings and lectures and organizes guided walks.

Organization: Curieus, Selma Franssen, deBuren and The Bulletin
Brussels Explained
Politiek & samenleving
Wetenschap & geschiedenis

Dit evenement vond plaats op dinsdag 4 mei 2021

Via Facebook Live, ONLINE

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Via Facebook Live dinsdag 4 mei 2021 20:00 - 20:45