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What are the consequences of Brexit for Brits in Brussels?

Brussels Explained with Saffina Rana

As the UK prepares to exit the EU, Britons in Brussels are wondering how the Brexit will impact their right to live, work and obtain social security in Belgium. How will Brexit affect Brussels? Saffina Rana explains. As the UK prepares to exit the EU, Britons in Brussels are wondering how the Brexit will impact their right to live, work and obtain social security in Belgium. How will Brexit affect Brussels? Saffina Rana explains. 

Brussels Explained


deBuren, Curieus and The Bulletin joined hands with journalist Selma Franssen to organize an English edition of ´Moeilijke Dingen Makkelijk Uitgelegd´ with a focus on Brussels. And in these times of social distancing we can fortunately also circulate knowledge online. Every Wednesday in September and every Tuesday in November we invite an expert to give a presentation on a complex topic, followed by questions from the audience moderated by Selma Franssen on Facebook Live. Each explainer will also be published as a podcast on the website in the week following each live session, for those who do not wish to use Facebook.


Do you have a question for one of these experts? Pose your question via Facebook chat during the live session, or in advance via


Wat zijn de gevolgen van de Brexit voor Britten in Brussel?


Nu het Verenigd Koningkrijk voorbereidingen treft om de Europese Unie te verlaten, vragen Britten in Brussel zich af wat de impact van de Brexit gaat zijn op hun leven, werk en sociale zekerheid in België. En wat is het effect van Brexit voor Brussel zelf? Journalist Saffina Rana legt het uit.

Free of charge via Facebook Live. For those people who don´t use social media: each explainer will also be published as a podcast by Yelena Schmitz on the website after each live session. A shorter version of each explainer will also be broadcast in the fall of 2020 on the radio hour of the Bulletin on Bruzz (weekly on Sunday at 12:00 – 13:00).

Saffina Rana

Saffina Rana is a British journalist and storyteller who has spent much of the last two decades at the intersections of science, research, culture and diversity, monitoring EU policy and platforming culture in Belgium for various newspapers, journals, governmental and non-governmental organisations.  

Organisation: deBuren, Curieus, The Bulletin, Selma Franssen and Yelena Schmitz
Brussels Explained
Politiek & samenleving
Wetenschap & geschiedenis

Dit evenement vond plaats op dinsdag 3 november 2020

Via Facebook Live, ONLINE

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Follow the lecture via Facebook Live! dinsdag 3 november 2020 19:30 - 20:00