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Spelbrekers: The digital space and games

Filosofisch gesprek met designerduo Tereza and Vit Ruller

In deze laatste sessie van de reeks Spelbrekers buigt moderator Fiep van Bodegom zich samen met het designerduo Tereza enVit Ruller over spelen en digitalisering. Zij brengen hun keynote daarover in het Engels.

Nowadays, games are increasingly online for children and adults. Can we still draw a line between digital and physical space? What is work in that space and what is play? Is the switch to online play dangerous for the development of the child? Should adults play more? 


Play, playfulness, online games, augmented reality games and playbour are the main topics of Amsterdam-based designerduo Tereza and Vit Ruller from The Rodina who’ll bring a lecture on play and digitalization. Afterwards moderator Fiep van Bodegom joins the duo for a conversation and ample opportunity for questions from the audience.

Online via Zoom. Tickets: 3 euro.

Meer over de sprekers

Tereza and Vit Ruller from The Rodina

The Rodina (co-founded by Tereza and Vit Ruller) is an Amsterdam-based post-critical design studio with an experimental practice drenched in strategies of performance art, play and subversion. Both in commissioned work and in autonomous practice, they activate and re-imagine a dazzling range of layered meanings across, below and beyond the surface of design. The Rodina invents ways in which experience, knowledge and relations are produced and preserved. In their work, Tereza and Vit investigate theoretical framework around Body presence, Labour, Surface, and Action.

© Bart Teuren

Fiep van Bodegom

Fiep van Bodegom studeerde literatuurwetenschappen en cultural analysis aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Ze schrijft voor De Groene Amsterdammer en is redacteur bij literair tijdschrift De Gids. Ze publiceert regelmatig recensies, essays, interviews, vertalingen en proza. Van Bodegom staat geregeld op (literaire) festivals en podia in Nederland, waaronder Perdu, Winternachten en Spui25.

Filosofie & religie

Dit evenement vond plaats op dinsdag 6 oktober 2020

Via Zoom, ONLINE

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IK KOOP MIJN TICKET! dinsdag 6 oktober 2020 20:00 - 21:00