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Which mental health challenges do expats face?

Brussels explained with Sarah Crew

Feeling like an insider instead of an outsider is the best thing that can happen to an expat living abroad. But getting there isn’t always easy and moving abroad comes with a set of challenges. How does this impact the mental health of expats?

During this edition of Brussels Explained, journalist Sarah Crew will give an explainer on health challanges expats face, followed by a conversation with Selma Franssen and questions from the audience. 


Brussels Explained


deBuren, Curieus and The Bulletin joined hands with journalist Selma Franssen to organise an English edition of ´Moeilijke Dingen Makkelijk Uitgelegd´ with a focus on Brussels. And fortunately, in these times of social distancing, we can also circulate knowledge online. Every Wednesday in September and November we invite an expert to give a presentation on a complex topic, followed by questions from the audience moderated by Selma Franssen on Facebook Live. For those people who don´t use social media: each explainer will also be published as a podcast by Yelena Schmitz on the website after each live session.


Do you have a question for Sarah Crew? Pose your question via Facebook chat during the live session, or in advance via


deBuren, Curieus en The Bulletin organiseren samen met journalist Selma Franssen een Engelse editie van 'Moeilijke Dingen Makkelijk Uitgelegd', met de focus op Brussel. Deze week praat Sarah Crew over de uitnodigingen voor de geestelijke gezondheid waarmee expats geconfronteerd worden.

Free of charge via Facebook Live. For those people who don´t use social media: each explainer will also be published as a podcast on the website after each live session.

Sarah Crew

Journalist and editor Sarah Crew worked for newspapers in the UK and Australia before moving to Belgium more than 30 years ago. After raising kids, renovating a farmhouse and running her own business, the dual British-Belgian national relaunched her journalism career at Ackroyd Publications, the country’s leading English-language media platform. As editor-in-chief, she oversees the company’s various print publications and The Bulletin website. In her spare time, Sarah is a mental health campaigner, keen traveler and scuba diver.

Organisation: deBuren, Curieus, The Bulletin, Selma Franssen and Yelena Schmitz
Brussels Explained
Politiek & samenleving

Dit evenement vond plaats op woensdag 23 september 2020

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