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Herbeleef I Specialisation course on literary curatorship

Half mei 2021 hostten deBuren en Passa Porta vijf masterclasses over literair curatorschap binnen het Europese talentontwikkelinstraject CELA. Van prospectie over een literair format tot het podium als een safe space: lees hier enkele reacties van de deelnemers en de sprekers.
Door deBuren op 27 mei 2021
Literatuur & taal
Alle sessie vonden online plaats via Zoom

Masterclasses on literary curatorship


As part of the specialisation course, five Zoom masterclasses were organized which were open to the public. Tundé Adefioye, Marleen Nagtegaal, Maud Vanhauwaert, Silvie Moors and Elisabeth Severino Fernandes discussed the ins and outs of literary curatorship. Together with CELA participants and a group of invited (aspiring) curators, they exchanged views on how to curate meaningful events, how to pitch your ideas, how to reach the right audience and everything in between.

© Gaby Jongenelen for CELA

"The masterclass of Maud Vanhauwaert, a poet from Antwerp, was really awesome. Maud is a person who ‘lives in her language’, but at the same time her generous conception of poetry allows us to perceive whatever’s around us as a potential creative space.”

Ondřej Macl (writer CZ)

"The fact that Elisabeth Severino Fernandes's masterclass dealt with real situations, and inviting the participants to think about their own imagined reactions, had as an effect a very heated debate, in which fragilities, vulnerabilities, personal experiences, were shared. Overall, I learned a lot and enjoyed it very much."


Cristina Vremeș (writer RO) 

© Gaby Jongenelen for CELA



Adriana Murad Konings (writer ES) wrote down some impressions of Marleen Nagtegaal’s masterclass: from Friesland and connecting with different audiences to… chameleons? You can read all about it here!

Marleen Nagtegaal offered a glimpse behind the scenes of her masterclass in an interview: "I found it very inspiring. I do think that such a diverse group of participants requires a bit more customization, precisely because of the diversity. Nevertheless, I was pleased to find that the basic ideas were similar for everyone." You can read the whole interview (in Dutch) here.

Looking Over the Wall: Sharing Stories Across Languages


On May 20, Ondřej Macl, Adriana Murad Konings and Cristina Vremeș hosted a multilingual literary program with texts from CELA authors and anyone else who wanted to look over the walls which divide us. This event was a collaboration between CELA and Snug Harbor.


Everybody was free to send in texts, no matter the language or genre. Based on the submissions from CELA participants and the audience, the three hosts produced one long poem in a multitude of languages, which was then translated into English and read aloud. Curious about the final result? You can read it here!


Since 2017, deBuren has been a member of Connecting Emerging Literary Artists (CELA), a European network that gives emerging literary talent the chance to refine their skills and develop a network. The only one of its kind in Europe, it brings together 30 emerging authors, 80  emerging translators and 6 emerging literary professionals to show the potential of literature to connect people, to offer a bigger opportunity to small languages and to drive change. Together the participants tackle some of the challenging realities of our age – from increasingly sharp divisions within Europe to a changing book publishing industry – and place them in perspective, share their work, and bridge the gaps between each other, the publishing industry and the European public.

Partners: deBuren, Passa Porta, Snug Harbor, Muntpunt, CELA, Creative Europe.
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